Bashoto Javascript Library

This is a library for the Bashoto API to enable applications to leverage local communication. To use this library registration is required at to obtain an ApplicationKey.

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var bashoto = new Bashoto("APP-KEY");
var topic = bashoto.subscribe({ 
    message: function(msg) {
        alert("We got a message! "+msg)
}, {name: "Test"});

Bashoto Constructor

var bashoto = new Bashoto(ApplicationKey, *BashotoOptions*);

Creates a Bashoto object for the account associated with the Application key. This object is used to generate Topics for messaging.

ApplicationKey String

Key used to connect to the Bashoto Core Messaging service. This comes from and specific to your application.

BashotoOptions JSON (Optional)

- locate: LocateOptions

Calls the locate(range) method during construction and registers the location from the browser to establish local communication. See locate().



Locates where the client is being accessed from via HTML5 Geolocation. If geolocation was successful, any topic that is subscribed to will communicate with other nearby client. If unsuccessful, an error handler is executed as defined in BashotoOptions of the constructor. If no handlers are given, the error is just logged to the console and new topics will continue to be global. Here is the HTML5 Geolocation spec for reference.

LocateOptions JSON (Optional)

- BashotoRange: BashotoRange

The range of communication with nearby clients. Default is Bashoto.Local which is about neighborhood size.

Possible Range Values:

  • Bashoto.HYPERLOCAL City Block
  • Bashoto.LOCAL (Default) Neighborhood
  • Bashoto.SUBREGIONAL City
  • Bashoto.REGIONAL State
  • Bashoto.CONTINENTAL Many States
  • Bashoto.HEMISPHERE
  • Bashoto.GLOBAL

- success: callback()

Function that is called if Geolocation was successful. Useful to delay subscriptions until after the user accepts geolocation.

- error: callback(error)

Function that is called if Geolocation fails. This function will be the default callback for all Geolocation errors and takes precedence over errors.error. The default is to log the error to the console. Each error object has a message property. If different behaviors are desired for each different type of possible geolocation error, pass the errors property in LocateOptions as detailed below

- errors: JSON

bashoto.locate({ errors.unsupported: function(error) {console.log(error.message);} };

An errors object can be passed with callbacks that are executed when a specific error is raised during the geolocation request. You can handle each error individually or just implement the errors.error callback. Each callback is passed an error object with a message property.

-- errors.error: callback(error)

Provide a callback for default errors during geolocation. If this is not set. the error is logged to the console.

-- errors.permission: callback(error)

The location acquisition process failed because the document does not have permission to use the Geolocation API.

-- errors.position: callback(error)

The position of the device could not be determined. For instance, one or more of the location providers used in the location acquisition process reported an internal error that caused the process to fail entirely.

-- errors.timeout: callback(error)

The length of time specified by the timeout property has elapsed before the implementation could successfully acquire a new Position object.

-- errors.unknown: callback(error)

An unknown error occured when requesting location.

-- errors.unsupported: callback(error)

The current browser does not support HTML5 Geolocation. This is not a standard w3 PositionError, but will still contain a message.


var topic = bashoto.subscribe(Handlers, *TopicOptions*)

Subscribes to a topic and returns a Topic object for communication. This topic is associated with the geolocation of the Bashoto object, unless otherwise specified. If there is no location associated with the Bashoto object, a global topic is used.

Handlers JSON

Handlers for Topic communication. At the very least implement the message handler to communicate with other clients.

var topic = bashoto.subscribe({
    message: function(msg) { alert("Got a message! "+msg) },
    close: function(close) { alert("Socket was closed: "+close.reason) },
    error: function(error) { alert("Oh no! An error: "+error) },
    open: function(open) { console.log("Topic has been opened!") },

- message: callback(msg)

Callback handler for when a message is recieved. This should be implemented. The msg passed to your callback will be a string or JSON object depending on how the other client sent it.

- open: callback(open)

An event listener to be called when the Topic connection has connected and been opened; this indicates that the connection is ready to send and receive data.

- close: callback(close)

An event listener to be called when the Topic has been closed by either the server or client. The listener receives a CloseEvent

- error: callback(error)

An event listener to be called when an error occurs during communication.

Topic Options JSON (Optional)

Topic options can be passed to create different topics. The highest level is to create a topic name. Topics with different names do not communicate with eachother. This can be used to segment your clients on top of the geo-segmentation provided by Bashoto.

- name: Slug

The name of the topic to bind to. If not supplied, the default name will be used. Two different topic names do not communicate with one another. The name should be a slug style String or it will be reformatted to one by lowercase and replacing non-word characters with '-'.

- lat double

- lon double

- range BashotoRange (see locate)

If all three of these are provided (lat,lon,range), the topic will be associated with the given location instead of associated with the Bashoto objects location. It is recommended to use the bashoto.locate() method to bind to topics by location, but passing these arguments will override that.

- global: Boolean

If global: true is provided, it will overrule all other geo settings for this topic and will bind to the global channel for topic communication.


topic.publish(Message, *MessageOptions*)

Publishs a message to the associated topic. This message will not be recieved by this Topic object. If messages are published to the Topic before connecting has finished, they will be queued up and sent on connection.

Message String or JSON

A string that will be distributed to other clients bound to this same topic. If JSON objects are passed, they will be distributed to clients as such.

MessageOptions JSON (Optional)

Currently there are no MessageOptions that are implemented. This is reserved for future use to handle different types of messages.



Explicity closes the Topic for communication. If the topic is published to after closing the socket, an error is thrown.